Students from University College Birmingham are undertaking research on people’s opinions and awareness of the Balti Triangle. Their findings will be published on this site. Watch this space!
Al Frash is hot for Comic Relief!
Well done to Al Frash for their participation in Comic Relief and their ‘chilli challenge’ competition.
All change at Taste of Birmingham!
Taste of Birmingham is apparently not going to be the previous rather elitist affair in Cannon Hill Park in 2011 so hopefully this will be a great opportunity for restaurants in the Balti Triangle to work with Marketing Bham for the Autumn Event. All ideas welcome!
Shabab repoens!
One of the original and best baltihouses, Shabab, opened its doors again following refurbishment … read the review!
Authenticating the B’ham Balti
The newly formed B’ham Balti Association propose to make an application to register the B’ham Balti. Initial discussions are underway with agencies to secure the European TSG (Traditional Specialities Guaranteed) mark. This aimed at ensuring that anybody who opts to enjoy a B’ham Balti experiences the real thing rather than a typical curry where the restaurant […]
Balti Competition Sham
A ‘Best’ B’ham Balti Competition is being organised with a line up of top ‘chef’ judges who should know better if they purport to be foodie gurus. Last year, the winning restaurant Grameen Kadar, despite being an excellent ‘curry’ restaurant by the way, wouldn’t know a balti if they fell into one.
‘New’ Balti Guide Launched
A new Balti Guide is out and worth seeking out if only for the purposes of both amusement and the discount vouchers which are always welcome. A rip off from previous guides, it has a less than comprehensive list of restaurants bizarrely not listed in alphabetical order. It’s reviews include stunning insights and literary gems […]