This is the website of Andy Munro.
Andy was born and bred in the Balti Triangle area. Lists his hobbies as Balti (obviously!), reading travel books, watching Birmingham City, playing football, writing and gardening exotics.
Previously Operations Director of the Jewellery Quarter Regeneration Partnership he is now a partner in running tours (www.alternativetours.co.uk), he is also a Director of workspace providers Midland Industrial Association and works for management training provider, Business Development Midlands Ltd.
Apart from editing several very successful commercial editions of the Essential Street Balti Guide at the height of the “Baltiboom” his interest in Balti has lead to a host of media appearances from Radio 4’s Loose Ends to local TV and radio. He has now published the definitive book on the history of Balti, ‘Going For A Balti‘.
Married with two children he now lives in Hollywood on the outskirts of Birmingham. He writes for the Blues fanzine “Made in Brum” and is a frequent blogger on the news website ‘Birmingham Press‘.