Archive | Balti News

Outside the Triangle

The search for genuine baltihouses outside the Balti Triangle goes on and my latest mission took me to Shabar on the Coventry Road, Sheldon, just a stone’s throw from the airport.  Although it was a Friday night it was good to see it buzzing with hardly a table to spare in what was a large […]

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Not Just Balti Beer!

Apart from Highgate Brewery’s respectful nod to Birmingham’s famous dish, there is one slightly less well known drink also celebrating the Balti . In the nineties, a drink called the ‘Balti Bite’ was all the rage which was a potent mix of 7.5 per cent Barley Wine and Cider … seemed like the ideal foil for […]

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A Balti Bard’ …..

Nice to see balti being heralded in a poem by Keith Bracey (@1truclaretnblu) aka ‘the Brummie Bard’… from his book of poetry From Bearwood & Beyond Balti Belt n Braceys an Ode to The Birmingham Balti Ladypool Road or Stoney Lane No two Curries are the same Sizzling Tandoori, Tikka too Balti ‘Buckets’ or Vindaloo Kashmiri Spices, Herbs […]

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Interesting to see a book entitled from ‘Bombay to Britain‘ brought out to celebrate National Curry Week. However, it was noticeable that in featuring ‘flagship’ restaurants, apart from City centre based Pushkar, no sign of any other Brum restaurant from Opheems and Lasan to Shababs.  Yet again a Brum deal for Brum although as Millwall’s notorious fans used to sing ‘Nobody likes […]

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The (Not So Great) Pretenders

I met a couple of friends in the Balti Triangle (one of whom uses to own a proper Baltihouse called Al Frash) and we visited one of the many new eateries to chew the fat. In fairness, I won’t reveal its name but we ordered a large Mixed Grill Tawa and a ‘Balti’ Chicken. The […]

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Authenticating the Balti

Approaches have now been made to the City Council to agree to authenticate restaurants that serve the authentic Birmingham Balti.  Although given their financial position. they will be naturally needing more than a few pieces of silver to check out what are probably no more than around twenty restaurants  who serve the pukka version. Overall […]

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Well Burger me!

Although not a particular fan of the burger (I prefer a sheekh to a shami kebab!) I happened to watch a repeat of a documentary narrated by Jo Brand about the ‘Secret’World  of Burgers. In talking about food trends they covered the Balti and blow me, they showed me tucking into a Balti … many […]

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Chinns up for a Balti

Notable Brummie Royalty and Historian Dr Carl Chinn dined out at Shababs with a large group of friends and relations who had come over from  Ireland and had enjoyed Carl’s peaky blinders tour to both work up an appetite and to learn about the history of Birmingham’s iconic dish. Only a couple of the party […]

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